+91 8214266818 / 8095790359


  +91 8214266818 / 8095790359


Dental Emergency

Dental Emergency

Based inOra Dental Care, Mysore, is the premier dental practice offering a comprehensive range of dental and aesthetic treatments including emergency dental care.

Ora dental careis a leading practice in the area because of its team, environment and exceptional level of patient care. A dedicated and distinguished team of highly-qualified experienced dental practitioners who consistently deliver treatments specially suited to our patients’ particular needs.

We can help with a range of dental emergencies. We can investigate the source of your discomfort and carry out any necessary treatment.

Our emergency treatments include:

Tooth Pain Relief (pic) – tooth ache can prove to be one of the most intense and excruciating pain a person might experience. It can affect a person’s ability to carry out their daily routine and even sleep may evade the affected individual.
There are multiple reasons why a tooth can present with pain and symptomatic relief may be a temporary solution to a much bigger and deep seated problem. Hence, at Ora, our focus is to first diagnose the cause correctly followed by efficient treatment to ensure we alleviate our patients of their agony lastingly.

Dental Bridge/ Crown Repair (pic) – A bridge/ crown may be considered as faulty if

  • the underlying tooth is decayed/damaged,
  • there is fracture of the bridge/ crown,
  • chipping off of ceramic leading to unsightly metal exposure,
  • there is associated pain or sensitivity in that area or
  • even if your bite feels incorrect.

A faulty bridge/ crown is a matter which needs immediate attention failing which various other functional and esthetic complications may arise to an extent that it may lead to severe headache and migraines!! We recommend you to seek dental assistance to rectify this condition at the earliest to avoid multiple visits for expensive treatments which are avoidable initially

Cracked Teeth Repair
Have you experienced severe pain/ sensitivity on chewing on an otherwise healthy appearing tooth? It is possible you are suffering from ‘cracked tooth syndrome’. It basically means your tooth has a fracture line that you can’t appreciate with naked eyes but a professional will be able to diagnose this condition and explain to you the possible treatment options. If left untreated this condition will continue to worsen over a short period of time and may even render you incapable to chew from that side!!!! This condition doesn’t resolve on its own and requires immediate dental care to prevent worsening of the situation where the tooth is no longer salvageable and needs to be extracted

Teeth Extraction

Some teeth which are indicated for extraction become a dental emergency when the infectionunderlying the tooth spreads into bone and may present as fever, headache, facial swelling or a bigger threat – space infection which may predispose to fatal conditions like SABE (sub acute bacterial endocarditis) and septicemia
Extraction of the causative tooth is the only way to drain the infection beneath and to ease the discomfort.

Apart from regular patients, if a pregnant woman or a patient with special needs requires such a treatment, we at Ora Dental Care have the required setup and a highly experienced &qualified surgeon to handle the complexities of such crucial situation

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